Sunday, March 04, 2007

Back On Top

Those who know me well will tell you I don't stay firmly trenched in "reality" for long. So, I have bounced back up on my wave of natural optimism and am excited about a number of things right now.

First, I am starting to feel better, so I will be starting back to the gym tomorrow. My sadly sagging muscles are so glad about that!

Second, my son and I are headed to NYC on Thursday, which is always a thrill. I can hardly wait to indulge in some street cart falafel, which will make my younger daughter insanely jealous (insert evil grin here). We were unable to get tickets to any of the shows we wanted to see taped (Conan O'Brien, Daily Show, Colbert Report), so we are going with no real plans at all. Those who know me well will tell you this sort of thing makes me crazy loco, but it's not my trip, it's my son's.

He says a couple of his friends will be in NYC at the same time, so we may hook up with them. No telling what we will end up doing! Stay tuned for news stories involving a middle-aged Southern woman and a group of semi-legal youth getting bounced from dicey establishments in NYC. Ack!

Third (see, I remembered this was a list), I have a first annual writers' retreat with my critique group, the Hip & Edgy. You can check them out on the pictures page of my Caren Crane website. My critique partners are Regan Black, Tracy Leigh Brown and Kimberly Justen. They are fabulous writers and keep me straight. I am so looking forward to a weekend of brainstorming and plotting!

Fourth, I will be seeing my dear friend Liz Bemis toward the end of the month. Liz is a friend, confidante and advisor to me. I adore her and can't wait to see her again. And, since she's come to see me twice since I last visited her, I owe her. We are also going to see a band I really like, Great Big Sea. They are from Newfoundland and rarely make it to the sunny South, so I don't mind combining a trip to Ohio to see a friend with a great concert. Oh, I just realized that the last time I went to see Liz, we went to a Guster concert. Now she'll think I only come to visit when there's a concert. Not at all! I just like to multi-task. Really!

Then, of course, it will be Easter and I'll get to see my wonderful extended family. Always the best part of any holiday!

Anyone else have things they are eagerly anticipating? A great trip? A season finale or a great book coming out, maybe?



At 8:48 AM , Blogger Caren Crane said...

As a side note, we have delivered almost all of our Girl Scout cookies. My goal is to have no cookies left in my house by next week. Well, none belonging to other people, anyway!

At 12:09 PM , Blogger Anna Campbell said...

Caren, great blog! Only just discovered it. Think wandering around NYC with no particular plans sounds great - leaves plenty of room for serendipity. Oh, dear, starting to sound like a little ray of sunshine. Must stop now! Looking forward to you joining us on the Packer blog!!!


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