Invading the Web and Other News
My new website,, is about to be unveiled! Er, as soon as I get required info to my friend Liz Bemis, the web designing genius behind Bemis Promotions. The site is gorgeous and Liz even managed to cobble my pictures into something attractive! Technology is truly amazing.It has been an eternity since I blogged. Actually, since right after conference last year. Now, it's almost conference time again. Conference being, of course, the RWA National conference. It will be held the last week in July in Atlanta. This year I have the great pleasure and privilege of being a Golden Heart finalist. Such excitement, such drama! Such pressure...
I realize I have a tiny window of opportunity where I and my writing may be marginally more attractive to agents and editors than they otherwise are. So, I have been conducting my own Agentpalooza. Of course, querying is an invitation to rejection and I have received many of those. But also some requests, which makes me want to be hopeful. Okay, I'm an optimist so I can't help being hopeful, but optimism is a double-edged sword. The more you hope, the harder the rejection hits. Hard stuff, even for us optimists.
I'll be sure to post as news breaks. Hopefully, there will be lots of great news--and soon!