RWA Conference, Digested
The RWA Conference in Dallas was glorious, as all RWA conferences are. Now that almost two weeks have passed since I arrived home, the stories and news are coming out of the woodwork. On Tuesday of this week, the incomparable Trish Milburn got The Call! Penguin Putnam is contracting her for two YA books. This followed fast on the heels of both her Golden Heart win and her action-packed year as PRO Liaison.
Just today, I heard the news that another '06 Packer friend of mine, Trish Cerrone, has also sold! But her offer came at conference from the acquiring editor who apparently gushed over her work. She described it as being surreal and stunning and said she stared a lot and told the editor, "I love you". *g* I'm sure I would too! But she didn't spread the news until she secured an agent, the agent negotiated the deal, Trish accepted, etc. Two weeks! I could never hold it in that long. She deserves sainthood!
I have heard stories of deals being brokered, contracts offered, anthologies plotted and volunteers recruited at conference. Actually, I was recruited. I offered to serve as RWA Bylaws Committee Chair for the coming year. I served on the Bylaws Committee this year, so I know (sort of) what it entails. But it's a little terrifying to think they are entrusting this to me. I'm sure all will be well - really! Now I simply have to recruit some people to serve on my Committee (heh, heh, heh).
I also made sure to mail off my requested partials last week. Hopefully they will be among the first that hit the editor's and agent's desks. While their eyes are fresh, they will be delighted and request more material. With glee, they will realize that I am the author they have been looking for. Ah, conference. Always good for refueling my dreams.
So what was the best take-home from the RWA conference for you?
Labels: Conference, industry news, RWA
Thanks for the shout-out, Caren! The past couple of weeks have been wild, but great.
I didn't know you were going to be our bylaws guru. Cool!
Ooh your top banner is so pretty! I hadn't noticed it before. (I read your blog in RSS feed most of the time.)
I'm really glad you're going to be the Bylaws queen. If I have a bylaws question, you always seem to have the answer, so I know you'll be really good at it!
My take-home thing from conference was a new mantra: "Writing is fun." I think I'd been trying too hard to think of it as a career and had succeeding in making it too work-like.
Thanks, Sonja! The template is new and I'm glad you like it. I think Liz is going to move my website and blog over to Wordpress before too long, so watch for more changes!
And the "writing is fun" was a great take home. I took that one home too! Also, I gave myself permission to write the way that comes naturally and that suits my voice, rather than what I think will sell. It's been very liberating!
Um, I'm sure the bylaws gig will be fine. Just fine. (giggles nervously)
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