Pimping the Contest
Hi, all! I am donning my promotional tiara to tell you that I have entered my Golden Heart-finaling manuscript 'Kick Start' in Pocket Books's First Chapters Writing Contest.Pocket, in conjunction with Gather.com (a social networking site) is sponsoring a contest for aspiring romance writers. Basically, you read someone's entry, vote on it and leave a comment. First round voting will run until Sept 18. After that, they will announce 25 semi-finalists, who will get to post a second chapter for a second round of voting. After the second round, five finalists will have their books reviewed by Pocket's editorial staff and the editors will select the winner. Nerve-wracking, but fun!
The winner will have their book published by Pocket and receive a $5000 advance. It is a wonderful opportunity for us aspiring romance writers! If you would be so kind, please go to Gather.com, read my story, vote and leave a comment.
Things to know:
* It's more "rating" than "voting". Under the chapter, there is a "Rate this article" header. Under that, there are numbers with stars above them. Select the number you would like to rate the chapter.
* No ratings under "10" will be counted. You may rate a chapter less than 10, but it will not be counted. It is less demoralizing for the writers if you simply don't vote unless you really think the story is a 10!
* Comments count! In the case of a tie, the contender with the greatest number of different commentors will win.
If you're game, here is a link to my first chapter of 'Kick Start': http://www.gather.com/viewArticle.jsp?articleId=281474977089460
Thank you for your support!
Labels: contest, First Chapters, romance writing